Shanti Jayarajah Gets Her Level 7 in Cardio Muay Thai

Kickboxing Vancouver

Shanti Jayarajah Gets Her Level 7 in Cardio Muay Thai for Kickboxing

Kickboxing Vancouver

After about 10 years, or so, of consistent off and on training in Cardio Muay Thai Kickboxing  Vancouver, Shanti Jayarajah gets her level 7 certification. She is a busy woman in advanced education and her employment. She has good Cardio Muay Thai Kickboxing skills and good fitness levels.  She rocks. 🙂
Here is some information on our Cardio Muay Thai Kickboxing program:
“Come strengthen your mind, body and spirit.”

Our Cardio Muay Thai Kickboxing program is based on Muay Thai Kickboxing, mainly, and some Jiu-Jitsu to enhance the self defense aspect of the curriculum. People train in the class with the goal of developing the benefits of Fitness, Self defense skills, Mental Discipline and for Sport. All types of people enjoy our Cardio Muay Thai Kickboxing program, both recreational and serious practitioners.

We offer a 10 level based system to impart skills and reward progress. Certificates are awarded to recognize individual progress. Advancement in the program, if that is desired,  is based on performance and attendance. In the initial stages attendance is given more importance than performance, as we are in the process of developing and installing new training habits and lifestyle changes. Since martial arts is an individual pursuit, we encourage everyone to work at their own pace to the best of their ability. At the higher levels and, as a person progresses in skill, fitness and experience, a greater adaptability and integration of technique is  required and rewarded.

Our self defense component of the program incorporates Muay thai Kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu to learn defenses from various grabs and strikes, which are a part of the curriculum, although to a lesser degree. This is a unique aspect of our course.

It is expected, as someone progresses through our program that their fitness will approach peak levels for that individual. As everyone is different, peak levels will be variable, but progress is required and strong levels should be maintained.

After a student progresses through the 10 levels of skill and personal development for Cardio Muay Thai Kickboxing, instructor level certifications are possible. Our Cardio Muay Thai Kickboxing classes are a great way to get and stay in shape, have fun and work well with the other classes we have at the school.

Kickboxing Vancouver